The purpose of this CASE Study is to address a particular sustainability challenge under the consideration of technical, economic, legal, and CSR aspects. Students work independently and in teams to address and integrate these four aspects.

This syllabus concerns only the CSR aspect of the CASE Study. Students develop a comprehensive CSR Strategy in their respective teams and in accordance with the recommendations of the European Union and, in particular, the Austrian ONR 192500 CSR. Techniques for the development will be introduced and reviewed during the first face-to-face meeting (they are the same as taught in the WS 2106 CSR class.)

The MEUM-BB-dSS2017-CSR has been merged with MEUM-BB-2-SS2017-Project and activities are sequenced accordingly. In MEUM-BB-dSS2017-CSR students collaborate on the development of a comprehensive CSR Strategy that aligns with the chosen CASE and/or the organization for which the CASE is addressed. See left column below.

In CSR part of MEUM-BB-2-SS2017-Project students refine the developed CSR Strategy and expand on the details in form of a Final CSR Report. This CSR report will be merged with the rest of the CASE reports (technical, economic, legal) to form an extensive representation of the CASE fully explored in all its details. See right column below.


Last modified: Thursday, 23 March 2017, 11:53 AM